November 2018

Why are you here?

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” – Mark Twain   Why are you here?  What are you trying to do? Why is that important?   I believe that there’s more to life than you live, you die and in between […]

Why are you here? Read More »

How Board Members Can Support their Executive Director: An Executive Director’s Wish List

As an Executive Director for over a decade, I recruited board members with a prospectus that laid out the responsibilities and expectations of board leadership.  What I realize in hindsight that the single most important responsibilities was not listed: to embolden and encourage the heart.  Board members, we know that you joined a board in order

How Board Members Can Support their Executive Director: An Executive Director’s Wish List Read More »

December 12th at 11:30pm

Old Rules are Dead Webinar: 5 ways to engage Major Donors

A webinar where you’ll learn about new donor trends that will help your nonprofit elevate your funding this year!