May 2022

Really?!  Again?

Real talk: I’m tired, y’all. I’m tired of seeing another headline of mass shootings. I’m tired of reading about yet another hate-related crime committed against people for simply existing in this world as a Black/Asian/Latinx/immigrant/trans/LGBTQ+/unhoused/concert-going/2nd grade attending/churchgoing/mosque-going/just going to work/sleeping at home/jogging down the street/female/breathing person. So, basically, anyone who is currently alive. I’m tired

Really?!  Again? Read More »

Change and loss

I’ve got some sobering news for you.   One day–hopefully very far from today–you and I and everybody we know will not exist on this planet anymore.   In the midst of a sunny spring that heralds rebirth and renewal, I’ve been contemplating death, loss and change.  One of my dear friends lost a loved one recently. 

Change and loss Read More »

December 12th at 11:30pm

Old Rules are Dead Webinar: 5 ways to engage Major Donors

A webinar where you’ll learn about new donor trends that will help your nonprofit elevate your funding this year!