3 Steps to Get Fiscally Secure in a Non-Predictable Environment

As I’m sure you know, spreadsheets aren’t the sexiest part of our jobs but they are CRITICAL to fulfill our mission.

So many of us get stuck in a reactive cycle when it comes to money – always scrambling to plug holes rather than planning proactively. We wonder things like “Can we really make big asks?” and “How do we build steady revenue when it’s not predictable?”

The good news is there ARE ways to feel more in control even when grant money comes in lumps and bumps. I chatted with my buddy Raj Thakkar, financial guru and author of Fiscally Secure, and he shared some gold with me:

📢 MAP IT OUT – Sit down with your board treasurer and map your known vs. unknown income sources. Then budget CONSERVATIVELY based on averages rather than hopes. Leave room for surprises!

📢 COST IT RIGHT – How much does each program REALLY cost when you factor in salaries, benefits, supplies? Get clear on cost centers vs. revenue generators.

📢 BE CREATIVE – Rather than assuming the only option is an expensive development director, consider outsourcing tasks or leveraging passionate volunteers. You don’t need fancy titles to fundraise – just passion!

Remember, spreadsheets don’t have to be stressful – think of them as your friend giving you OPTIONS instead of limits. Feel free to DM me if you need help getting started!

Hope this helps you all feel more confident (and less spreadsheet-stressed)! Keep fighting the good fight.

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