4000 weeks

I’ve been thinking about time a lot.

Did you know that the average human lifespan is only about 4000 weeks?

Holy shit.  

That really forces clarity.

Obviously, I am aware that I will leave this planet one day as all of us will.  But, I also see it as some sort of hazy moment in the distant future–kind of like the ending of a movie that you have yet to see and don’t really think about.

But, 4000 weeks.  That’ll hit you in the face.

Time is our most valuable resource and yet we spend our time (myself included) in stupid ways.  

We spend hours binge-watching dumb shows and scrolling.  We procrastinate.  We fail to follow our dreams.  We waste time and energy on idle gossip, judgment and situations that we can’t change no matter how much we obsess over it.

It’s the equivalent of strewing around $100 bills around your house carelessly.

If you were actually, deeply, acutely aware of your limited time on this planet, what would you start doing?  

What would you stop doing?

I’ve decided to start getting much more intentional about my time.  I also preface it with, “Mama ain’t got time for…”

Mama ain’t got time for people who don’t uplift, energize and inspire.

Mama ain’t got time to spend hours on social media.

Mama ain’t got time to smack-talk.

Mama ain’t got time to do things that aren’t about making her dreams come true.

Mama ain’t got time to change people who don’t want to change and didn’t ask for help in the first place.

Mama ain’t got time to spend mental time and energy on all of the things that could go wrong.

Mama does have time to think about what happens if everything goes right.

Hit me back and let me know what you are making (or not making) time for.

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