What happens when you assume

They say it makes an ass out of U and Me.  

But does it?

What happens if we choose to assume good things?

What if we assumed that all of the money we needed to fund our work existed and we just needed to find it?

What if we assumed that every person we met could be a philanthropic partner?

What if we assumed that every donor meeting was just an opportunity to make friends and build something together?

What if we assumed life was happening FOR us, not TO us?

How might our energy change if we assumed good things instead of catastrophizing or spiritualizing our hysteria?

How might we show up differently if we assume that nobody is judging or criticizing us?  

How might we experience more peace of mind if we assume everything will be fine?

I suggest you try this on for size today: assume the best and see what happens.



PS: Applications are open until April 13 for the May-June session.  Want to be a fundraising beast?  Join now.

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November 14th at 2pm EST

Major Gifts Strategies That Don’t Suck Webinar

This webinar will guide you through common constraints that limit the success of your major gift program.


I’ll show you how to realign your focus on what truly matters—building genuine, lasting relationships with your donors.