Are you Stuck Living On Hyperdrive?

There are some seasons in life when it feels like we’re living with our hair on fire. Maybe we have a big project at work, or there’s something in our home or family that is requiring more time or energy than usual.

But what happens when living with our hair on fire isn’t just for a season, but becomes our typical way of operating?

There was a time in my own life when living on hyperdrive wasn’t just a temporary setting for a busy season. It had become my new normal.

Everything felt like an emergency, and I thought if I slowed down, all of it would fall apart.

This was my reality until I discovered a new way of living. I had to learn the hard way that the way I’d been functioning wasn’t sustainable.

Now, I’m learning to live from rest, not rush, as I define what truly matters to me and develop sustainable rhythms and routines to live that out.

I would still describe myself as an extremely productive person. But the way I show up in my life and work has radically changed. My hair is no longer on fire and my life looks very different, both internally and externally. Instead of rushing through my life, I’m living from a place of rest.

As you look at your calendar over the next week, where have you built in margin or rest? Intentionally block off some time in the next few days to rest your mind and renew your body, even if it’s just for an hour or two.

We weren’t made to live on hyperdrive, and we need time and space to slow down.

You have important work to do, but without rhythms of rest, you’ll crash and burn before you’re able to make an impact. Move from a hair-on-fire life, to a more restful, sustainable expression of who God has made you to be. By intentionally building in rest and renewal to care for yourself, you’ll find that you’re actually more productive than ever.

As a recovering workaholic who was addicted to all the latest apps, software, and best-selling books on productivity, Teresa McCloy is passionate about helping others assess their habits and execute a process to take their everyday, ordinary life to something extraordinary through REALIFE™ Being, Action, Time, and Living. She is the author of the book Do What Matters: Live From Rest, Not Rush, Using the REALIFE Process®.

Teresa is the creator of the REALIFE Process®, a faith-focused company that helps coaches, organizational leaders, speakers, and trainers develop and diversify their business through certification, content, coaching, and community to grow their impact and increase their revenue.


She is an ACC Certified Leadership & Life Coach through the International Coaching Federation, an Author, Certified Spiritual Director, Podcaster, and Keynote Speaker.

Learn more at


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