Avoiding NPO Burnout with Dr. Eugene Choi

This episode is FIRE.  Join me and my friend Dr. Eugene K Choi to discuss how to manage your mind to avoid burnout, anxiety and panic.  Did you know that your brain is only ever in one of two modes: survival or executive?  Learn about the characteristics of both and how to regulate yourself to stop freaking out, calming down and being effective.

Want to know more? https://dreugenekchoi.medium.com/

To connect with Dr. Eugene: https://www.linkedin.com/in/eugenekchoi/

Resources Mentioned in the Podcast:

Destiny Hacks – https://destinyhacks.co/

Harvard Business Review – https://hbr.org/

Dr. Eugene’s Podcast



QUOTES FROM Dr. Eugene Choi

“The survival state is the state when your brain thinks your life is in danger. It’s a mode where you are reacting without thinking.” – Dr. Eugene Choi

“Research shows that emotional pain can be just as painful as physical pain. That’s how our brain processes it.” – Dr. Eugene Choi

“Money is an easy trigger for us to go into a survival state…” – Dr. Eugene Choi

“If you want to be a great leader, the number one you need to do is to understand the concept of true ownership.” – Dr. Eugene Choi

“It’s the loneliness that’s causing the burnout. How lonely you feel directly correlates with how burnt out you get.”  – Dr. Eugene Choi

“We have to develop the eyes to see what fight-flight-freeze looks like. That actually helps you connect the dots on why we’re in this for 70% of our adult life.” – Dr. Eugene Choi

“So how do we fight from an emotional survival standpoint? It could be perfectionism, which is to fight to be perfect.” – Dr. Eugene Choi

“The fight itself will lead to burnout. I have seen it time and time again, fighting always leads to burnout, it always leads to lack of fulfillment.” – Dr. Eugene Choi


TOPIC: Talking About the Different States of Your Brain

03:20 – 04:40

TOPIC: Talking About the Significant Source of Burnout

12:14 – 13:20


Rhea Wong

I Help Nonprofit Leaders Raise More Money For Their Causes.

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December 12th at 11:30pm

Old Rules are Dead Webinar: 5 ways to engage Major Donors

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