Black Womxn Entrepreneurship with Nakeia Drummond

You know you want to…it’s whispering to you…start your own business…be your own boss…On this week’s pod, I’m talking with Nakeia Drummond, founder of NLD Strategic and the WELL, a group of Black womxn entrepreneurs.  In this fascinating and fun chat, we talk about getting paid, how to overcome your fears of being an imposter and being homeless by the side of the river, and the joys of being the boss.  We also talk about the inequities and access to capital for Black womxn and how we need to ask for more.  I recommend this podcast for anyone thinking about starting their own venture.  Nakeia is fun, fearless and FIERCE.  

For more about Nakeia:

For more about the WELL:


Rhea Wong

I Help Nonprofit Leaders Raise More Money For Their Causes.

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