Engaging Your Board in Fundraising with Jay Frost

Happy 2021 to the Nonprofit Lowdown family!  Let’s get this 2021 party started off right.  Join today’s conversation with expert fundraising consultant and board whisperer Jay Frost to activate our boards to bring resources to the table.  We discuss juicy topics like defining a give/get for board members, whether “access” counts as a contribution (spoiler: it doesn’t) and how NOT to recruit board members.  This conversation was both educational and uplifting: the work of the board is the work of leadership and inviting people to be part of something that is personally meaningful to them.  In 2021, let’s make an agreement to work towards unleashing the potential of our board members for the good of our organizations.

For more about Jay, visit him at: https://www.frostonfundraising.com/


Rhea Wong

I Help Nonprofit Leaders Raise More Money For Their Causes.

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