Feel-Good Storytelling – Does Positivity Work?

We’re all stuck in a news cycle of negativity. 

Natural disasters, soaring food prices, a looming recession, a tension-filled election, racism… I could go on.   

Joy is in short supply. Our amygdala is on high alert. 

And that means, we’ve let the negativity invade our brains and we aren’t thinking like executives anymore. 

So when it comes to our storytelling, our fight, flight, or freeze response is showing.  

And It feels yucky—to us, to our donors, and to the communities we serve. 

Unsurprisingly, our storytelling looks something like this: 

🎻 We emphasize the challenges instead of the ideal picture we want to create.

🎻 We lean on sensationalism and “poverty porn” instead of authenticity and, in so doing, expose our people to harm and microaggressions that undermine the causes we’re trying to elevate.

🎻 We use high-pressure tactics, tricks, and games on potential donors instead of simply building relationships with people who share our values. 

Well, I don’t believe the thoughts and mindsets that trigger those types of strategies are serving us or our causes. 

We’ve seen in the political sector, in the last couple of years, the stories that can move people to do things that are regrettable and not in the service of democracy. But we’ve also seen stories of resistance and joy. 🤷

So what’s the solution? Can we even use storytelling to support our fundraising efforts anymore? 🤔

Are you ready for some good news? So am I. 

I recently interviewed Tara Dorabji, Vice President of The Center for Cultural Power on my podcast about her findings on the nature of impactful storytelling that’s rooted in joy. 

Here are some of my takeaways:

📢 Storytelling isn’t going anywhere. “Humans fundamentally are wired for story. It’s how we communicate, connect… It’s the moral fabric of our societies.” – Tara Dorabji

📢 We need to shift from the conventional narrative arc of problem/solution storytelling to one that begins with the solution. “By showing the strength, the solution, the possibility, and then what’s causing the chaos, it allows people to come in and move together in a different sort of way…  When we just start with the problem … folks shut down.” – Tara Dorabji

📢 The messenger and the delivery of the story are just as important as the message itself. We need to tell stories of empowerment or enable those closest to the issue to tell their stories authentically and in a way that they feel comfortable. Sensationalism and exploitation are dead. 

📢 Storytelling is more than just an art. We should be measuring and testing to make sure it’s accomplishing its purpose and hitting the mark with its intended audience. In life, we’re either fighting, or we’re creating. We don’t want to be tone-deaf or ineffective; otherwise, what’s the point? 

There’s so much more to the story, no pun intended 😅, but you’ll have to check out the full episode to grab your own takeaways! 

Listen to the full episode here 🎧

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