Fierce Conversations with Susan Scott

You guys–this convo BLEW MY MIND.  I usually try not to fangirl, but Susan Scott is so unbelievably amazing.  She shares insights from her top-selling book Fierce Conversations and Fierce Leadership to help you have the fierce and necessary conversations with your employees, your family and your friends.  This conversation is truthful, honest and whole-hearted.  I felt changed afterward and I hope you will too.

Some tidbits from our chat:

“We are always having conversations and sometimes we include other people.” 

“Remember that what gets talked about and how it gets talked about determines what will happen. Or won’t happen. And that we succeed or fail, gradually then suddenly, one conversation at a time.”

For more about Susan, check out her company here:

To watch Susan’s TED talk, check it out here:


Rhea Wong

I Help Nonprofit Leaders Raise More Money For Their Causes.

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