Grace, Generosity and Leading with Purpose with Dr. Lisette Nieves

You know how there are people in your life who inspire you to level up your game?  Lisette Nieves is one of these people.  She’s an educator, a do-er, a coach and an inspiration.  On today’s pod we talk about the challenges of managing a board and staff and how to make people feel USEFUL is more important than making them feel happy.  We discuss the dangers of a bored board, why you need to challenge your assumptions about who you need on your board and the emotional labor of leadership.

For more Lisette, check out her website here.


Rhea Wong

I Help Nonprofit Leaders Raise More Money For Their Causes.

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January 30th at 2pm EST

Blueprint for Major Gift Excellence Webinar: 2025 Success Starts Now

In This Webinar, You will learn how to identify top donors, craft compelling asks, and build lasting relationships to secure transformational gifts and make 2025 your best fundraising year yet!