High stakes

As fundraisers, we often feel under the gun and under a deadline to Make. Something. Happen. NOW!

I thought our jobs were high stakes until I met Troy Smith.

Troy Smith and Chris Voss used to be FBI hostage negotiators.  So, if you think talking to a donor is stressful, be glad it’s not an erratic gunman holding innocent people hostage.

This week’s podcast with Troy is fascinating and I recommend it for anyone who has to deal with other humans.  {NOTE TO ANNE–please insert the link to this week’s podcast where it says: this week’s podcast}

Troy and I deep dive into some actionable strategies for slowing down a conversation and getting your desired outcome.

What is so insightful about these skills is that it’s about knowing and managing yourself.

It’s about calming your own brain down to truly listen to what’s being said and, more importantly, what’s not being said..

It’s about toning down your voice to put the other person at ease..

It’s about letting the other person talk and being aware of your own triggers.

It’s about being fully present and letting the other person share their view of the world, what they’re up against and how you might work together for the best possible outcome.

Fundraising at its best.

You know what it’s not?

Coming in with the tough talk and telling someone about “how it’s going to be.”  

It’s not about talking at them and making them bend to your will.

Fundraisers–it’s not a pitch.  It’s a conversation.

Take a listen and let me know what you think.

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