It’s only weird if you make it weird

There are a lot of people I know who would rather stick rusty needles in their eyes than ask for money.

The reasons why people are scared to ask for money:

  • Rejection
  • Being embarrassed
  • Not knowing what to say
  • Being asked for something in return
  • Talking about money leads to discomfort
  • Judgement that they would be so gauche/tacky/presumptuous as to ask for money
  • Feeling obligated to that person
  • Making the other person feel obligated
  • Worried that the person you are asking does not have enough
  • Will compromise our friendship/relationship and make it weird

As a result, we come up with all sorts of excuses and reasons for why we can’t ask.  Here are some of my favorites:

  • It’s an election year/economic downturn/COVID pandemic/summer so the timing isn’t good.
  • They have kids in college.
  • They are having financial issues.
  • They haven’t been well.
  • Their dog just died.
  • They just retired.
  • They just bought a vacation home that they’re renovating.

All of these reasons may be true, but as fundraisers, it’s not our job to make decisions for other people.  They are grown-ups and get to make decisions for themselves.  Our job is to spread the enthusiasm for our beloved causes and ask.  They can say no and still have it not mean that they don’t love you, your cause or your friendship.  They can say yes and still have it not mean that you owe them a piece of your soul and your last slice of chocolate cake.  

Give people the opportunity to fall in love with a cause like you did.  

After all, one of Rhea’s rules of fundraising is that it’s only weird if YOU make it weird.  So don’t make it weird. 

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Board Members & Fundraising Webinar: How to Help Without Begging Your Friends for Money

A Free Webinar for Board Members Who Want to Support Fundraising—Without Feeling Awkward or Transactional