Leading After a Founder with Anne Eidelman and Elandria Jackson Charles

Ah, founders…they are the stuff of legend.  The ones who birth a nonprofit, nurture it through its infancy and watch it grow.  But, what happens when founders move on?  Today, we’re talking with Anne Eidelman, CEO and Elandria Jackson Charles, VP of Development and External Affairs of Blue Engine about what happens when a charismatic founder moves on.  What are some of the lessons learned for Anne as she stepped into the role and forged her own path forward?  How did she manage board, funder, staff and client expectations and how did she become her own kind of ED?  We talk with Anne and Elandria about what went well, what they wished they had done differently and how to help an organization to thrive after a founder leaves.

For more on Anne’s perspective in SSIR: https://ssir.org/articles/entry/when_moving_a_nonprofit_forward_means_altering_the_founders_course


Rhea Wong

I Help Nonprofit Leaders Raise More Money For Their Causes.

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