Less is More

“The man who chases two rabbits, catches neither.”


It may surprise you, gentle reader, to learn that I am not perfect.  

I know.  

Take a second to clutch your pearls.

One of my biggest strengths is also my biggest weakness, which is that I see opportunities and options everywhere.  The problem?  I suffer heartily from Shiny Object Syndrome.

What does that look like?

It means saying yes to opportunities because they seem fun and then regretting it when you have to follow through.  

It means that follow through is a challenge.

It means chasing after new ideas, new apps, and new methods because new and shiny are more exciting than tried and true.

It means listening to the next podcast, reading the next book, taking the next webinar, but never really taking action on all the other stuff you already learned.

It means saying yes, when you really should say no.

It means focusing on the next shiny donor, instead of taking good care of the donors you already have.

It means chasing down that new fundraising strategy  instead of focusing and executing on your plan for the year.

It means exhausting your staff because you had a “killer new idea.” 

It means being reactive rather than calm and strategic.

As we head into the halfway point of 2021, what are you saying yes to that you should really say no to?  

What do you need to be ruthlessly focused on for the second half of the year?

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