Lesson Learned From A Capital Campaign with Sabrina Walker Hernandez

Capital campaign.  Sounds scary, right?  Doesn’t have to be!  Join me and Sabrina Walker Hernandez as she walks through how she raised $12M for a capital campaign in the third poorest county in the US.  We get into all the details and spill all the tea on how she did it, even as a newbie “accidental” fundraiser.

To know more about Sabrina’s Supporting World Hope: https://supportingworldhope.com/

To connect with Sabrina: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sabrinawalkerhernandez/

Resources and Websites Mentioned in the Podcast:

Boys & Girls Clubs of Edinburg RGV – https://edinburgkids.com/

Supporting World Hope – https://supportingworldhope.com/


“I was able to increase my operating budget from $750,000 to $2.5 million and complete a $12-million capital campaign in the third poorest county in the United States.” – Sabrina Walker Hernandez

“I’ve always acknowledged that I am very strategic in building relationships. So I surrounded myself with people who helped me along my journey…” – Sabrina Walker Hernandez

“One of my things is building relationships. I would not have been and still to this day would not be successful without people, like building those relationships are critical.” – Sabrina Walker Hernandez

“I had to change my mindset because what I valued thinking what I know about fundraising, I valued the ask. I wanted people to go out and ask. That’s what I thought.” – Sabrina Walker Hernandez

“Going to conferences and professional development and learning more about fundraising, I finally figured out the secret sauce is relationships.” – Sabrina Walker Hernandez

“We lost some people. You have to be willing to lose some people and it’s okay… Because, then, they’re just not the right fit.” – Sabrina Walker Hernandez

“It’s not necessarily using people because they are not asking for money. You have to educate them and explain what fundraising means to us.”  – Sabrina Walker Hernandez

“And it’s the cultivation, it’s the stewardship and all of that… What role will you be willing to participate in this process, removing that fear of asking for money?”  – Sabrina Walker Hernandez


TOPIC: The Story Behind Hitting the Million Dollars and Embarking on a Capital Campaign

08:45 – 11:30

To know more about Sabrina’s Supporting World Hope: https://supportingworldhope.com/

To connect with Sabrina: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sabrinawalkerhernandez/

Resources and Websites Mentioned in the Podcast:

Boys & Girls Clubs of Edinburg RGV – https://edinburgkids.com/

Supporting World Hope – https://supportingworldhope.com/


Rhea Wong

I Help Nonprofit Leaders Raise More Money For Their Causes.

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