Really?!  Again?

Real talk: I’m tired, y’all.

I’m tired of seeing another headline of mass shootings.

I’m tired of reading about yet another hate-related crime committed against people for simply existing in this world as a Black/Asian/Latinx/immigrant/trans/LGBTQ+/unhoused/concert-going/2nd grade attending/churchgoing/mosque-going/just going to work/sleeping at home/jogging down the street/female/breathing person.

So, basically, anyone who is currently alive.

I’m tired of (mostly) young (mostly) white men deciding to commit violence on others because we live in a society that condones/encourages racism, hatred, misogyny, white supremacy and access to guns.

What the f*ck do you think is going to happen?

I’m tired, angry, heartbroken and sad.  

I’ve donated to the causes.  I’ve marched in the streets.  I’ve written to my elected representatives.  I’ve signed the petitions.  I’ve voted.  I’ve registered others to vote.  I’ve made phone calls.  I’ve supported blue candidates in red and purple states.  

What more can I do?

Because we will read these same stories over and over until we develop the political will to change them.

Things are the way they are because people in power want them to be that way.

Friends, trying hard not to drown in despair but finding it hard to figure out a way forward that feels like progress.

To my Black brothers and sisters, I see you.  I cry with you.  We too know all too well what it feels like to experience a mass shooting based on race.  I’m sorry that this is the world we all live in.

Suggestions welcome here.  Forward movement will feel better than helpless despair.

Stay safe, stay strong.


PS: Thank you to all of you who have sent wonderful wishes about our beloved Stevie.  We miss our little guy terribly and I’m googling pet mediums (no judgment).  LMK if you have a good one to suggest or want to discuss pet mediums in general.

PPS: We will be featuring other furry friends in the RWC newsletter.  We’re delighted to partner this week with HeARTspeak to feature two lovely sisters who are looking for their forever home.  Currently based in Westchester NY, maybe they are your new best friends?  If you’re interested, get in touch with HeARTspeak.  These furbabies will make the world a little less scary.

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