I’ve been a long-time fan of Guadalupe Nickell since Day One. Lupe is a master fundraiser, fellow Californian and high school classmate (Go Toads!) who has found her calling in fundraising. In this episode, we talk about how she found her purpose in fundraising, how to masterfully manage a relationship between EDs and Directors of Development and advice she would give to her younger self. I have long admired Lupe for her insight, integrity and intellect. Also, she’s just a ton of fun. So, pour yourself a glass of your favorite beverage and take a listen. I dare you not to scream, “YASSS girl!” during this interview.
My big takeaway: do not let your worth be determined by anyone other than yourself.
Here’s the report that Lupe mentioned: https://www.haasjr.org/resources/underdeveloped