Effective Nonprofit Fundraising Strategies

Staying (Happily) Married as an Executive Director with Hollie Chambers

Note: This episode contains some *adult* content so listener discretion is advised unless you want to have some very interesting conversations with your children.

We know what being an ED or a nonprofit executive is tough.  We’re called to work miracles on shoestring budgets.  Add COVID on top of that and it’s a recipe for burn-out.  What happens when we let work take over our lives and forget our partners in all of it?  Join me and couples therapist Hollie Chambers to talk about self-care, making time for intimacy with your partner and new terminology like, “Thrupple.”  You’re welcome.  Carve out time to slowdance or give your partner a performance review (they’ll LOVE that).  This podcast reminds us all that putting out fires at work isn’t always the most important thing.  Do something nice for yourself and your bae today.  Bonus points: you can hear me blush over the sound waves.

For more about Hollie: https://www.hollieschambers.us/


Rhea Wong

I Help Nonprofit Leaders Raise More Money For Their Causes.

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