The #1 reason you’re repelling money

Years ago, as a baby ED, I remember taking a fancy fundraising training program. I was ready to get my strategy on and learn some high-powered tricks of the trade when, to my surprise, the person running the program said these words:

“The internal energy blocks you’re putting up are repelling money.”


Okay, I have to admit, I was not ready to hear it. 

But when I started to unpack all my baggage about money, I discovered that it was true. 

My internal energy blocks were coming from all sorts of  systemic and social directions—my upbringing, ancestral trauma, racism, white surpremacy, unfair policies, etc. 

My beliefs about money were literally preventing me from attracting donors who would allow me to mobilize resources for my NPO. 

Maybe this sounds a bit woo, but the proof was there. I was scared. I was projecting desperation, and my donor prospects were responding with apathy for my cause and tight fists on their checkbooks.

So what changed? 

I told myself a different story. 

I started to:

🌊 Believe that money was an infinite renewable resource, not a scarcity. 

🌊 Have fun in my fundraising. 

🌊 See the possibilities and experience flow. 

🌊 I started to become more generous myself.  

Not only did donors start rolling in, but my whole organization, board members, volunteers, staff, started working together like one unit to strengthen and support the cause. 

So, if fundraising is feeling less than fun. If you have to grit your teeth and bare it every time you pick up the phone or send an email… my advice is this: 

🧘 Check your internal energy. 🧘 Get a handle on your mindset. 🧘 Get yourself out of survival mode. 🧘 Find your flow. 

You can change your money mindset and become the kind of fundraiser you want to be. 

It just takes a willingness to get introspective and change your direction. 

Flow, fun, and generosity are just around the corner for you! 


If all of this is sounding a bit too abstract, great! Because I’m going to bring it all down to earth for you in this week’s podcast episode: Ep. #270: Managing Your Mindset for Fundraising Success” with Hugh Ballou.

Tune in for my practical tips to get yourself out of survival mode, switch your mindset, and tap into your flow so you can experience fundraising that feels natural and gets massive results!

Listen to the full episode right here 🎧:

Come join me for my free webinar, 3 Reasons Why You are Burned Out on Fundraising”  It’s happening  2/2 at 1pm EST! I’ll teach you how to define and attract your ideal major donor so you can avoid burnout this year. And if you stick around to the end, I’ll give you the lowdown on The Big Ask Gifts Program!  >>>Save your spot right here!<<< 

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