What story are you telling yourself?

Human beings are uniquely remarkable for our ability to tell stories.  We are not the fastest, strongest, fiercest species.  What we lack in tooth and claw, we make up for in imagination and the ability to create stories that move us.  It allows us to believe in ideas like love, faith, nations and companies.

While our ability to imagine, create and storytell is impressive, I’ve often noticed that we are most likely to turn this talent against ourselves.  

You know that mean little voice that takes up residence in your mind?  That little gremlin that whispers horrible things to you about not being good enough, smart enough, perfect enough?  

That is your brain telling stories.  And those stories suck.

And, as long as your brain is telling stories anyway, why not CHOOSE to tell yourself good stories?  

Erykah Badu once sang that she “picks my friends like I pick my fruit,” so why not also pick your thoughts and stories?

Instead of thinking about all the things that could go wrong, why not imagine all that could go right?

Instead of berating yourself about that “stupid” mistake you made, why not check it off as one more lesson learned?

Instead of being nervous about asking, why not tell yourself a story about when you get a “yes”?

The quality of your life will be determined by the stories you tell yourself and what you believe about the world and your place in it.

I’m often surprised at how I talk to myself and I ask myself if I would allow anyone to say that to my best friend.  

What would it take for us to start treating ourselves like our own best friend?

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