Your Business Processes with Adi Klevit

Organizing and documenting my business processes was about as high up on my list as scheduling a root canal.  Or writing the Great American Novel.  Yeah, yeah, totally one of my goals, but there are a million other things that get in the way.  

Then, one day, you realize that it’s mayhem and you’re running ragged because “Nobody can do it like me!” or one of your key staff members has just given notice.  

Don’t be that person.

Join me and Adi Klevit as we talk about the importance of and process to start documenting your systems, processes and procedures.  Want to get some time back in your life?  Want to scale?  You need to start doing this now.  It’s like being on a diet–you start slow and steady and eventually you see the gains.  As the ancient Chinese proverb goes, “The best time to document your processes was 20 years ago.  The second best time is today.”   We go through simple and actionable steps you can take today to set your nonprofit up for success so YOU are not at the center of your processes and you can bring on other people to get the work done.

For more about Adi: 


Rhea Wong

I Help Nonprofit Leaders Raise More Money For Their Causes.

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